Tarot cards carry a wealth of information and insight with them. The cards you select in this online reading can give you a deeper understanding of your current situation and provide guidance for your next steps. The 22 Major Arcana cards used in this tarot reading symbolize the universal steps to enlightenment.
Look at the card presented for each part of your personal online reading before you read the accompanying text. Trust your gut reaction to the symbolism there, and pay the most attention to those elements that stand out to you. There is no single finite interpretation for each card, so use the information provided to guide your understanding as it pertains to your own life and current situation.

A professional tarot card reading can give insight to questions you have about your future.

Calm and center yourself before you select your six cards. You may wish to meditate, pray, ask for spiritual guidance, or follow another ritual before beginning.
If you have an important question that you want to address with your reading, hold it in your mind as you select your cards.
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A professional tarot card reading can give insight to questions you have about your future.

How you feel about yourself now
The Magician
The magician is a powerful card, filled with potential. He has all the worldly elements at his disposal and knows how to wield them to reach his own ends. You may crave this power for yourself, seeking to make sense of everything in front of you and turn it toward your purposes. In tune with the finer points of nature, the magician is shown in a garden. Your life, like this garden, is something you can cultivate carefully to bloom and grow when you possess both the necessary resources and the proper wisdom to guide your use of them.

What you want most at this moment
The Magician
The magician is a powerful card, filled with potential. He has all the worldly elements at his disposal and knows how to wield them to reach his own ends. You may crave this power for yourself, seeking to make sense of everything in front of you and turn it toward your purposes. In tune with the finer points of nature, the magician is shown in a garden. Your life, like this garden, is something you can cultivate carefully to bloom and grow when you possess both the necessary resources and the proper wisdom to guide your use of them.

Your fears
The Magician
The magician is a powerful card, filled with potential. He has all the worldly elements at his disposal and knows how to wield them to reach his own ends. You may crave this power for yourself, seeking to make sense of everything in front of you and turn it toward your purposes. In tune with the finer points of nature, the magician is shown in a garden. Your life, like this garden, is something you can cultivate carefully to bloom and grow when you possess both the necessary resources and the proper wisdom to guide your use of them.

What is going for you
The Magician
The magician is a powerful card, filled with potential. He has all the worldly elements at his disposal and knows how to wield them to reach his own ends. You may crave this power for yourself, seeking to make sense of everything in front of you and turn it toward your purposes. In tune with the finer points of nature, the magician is shown in a garden. Your life, like this garden, is something you can cultivate carefully to bloom and grow when you possess both the necessary resources and the proper wisdom to guide your use of them.

What is going against you
The Magician
The magician is a powerful card, filled with potential. He has all the worldly elements at his disposal and knows how to wield them to reach his own ends. You may crave this power for yourself, seeking to make sense of everything in front of you and turn it toward your purposes. In tune with the finer points of nature, the magician is shown in a garden. Your life, like this garden, is something you can cultivate carefully to bloom and grow when you possess both the necessary resources and the proper wisdom to guide your use of them.

The Magician
The magician is a powerful card, filled with potential. He has all the worldly elements at his disposal and knows how to wield them to reach his own ends. You may crave this power for yourself, seeking to make sense of everything in front of you and turn it toward your purposes. In tune with the finer points of nature, the magician is shown in a garden. Your life, like this garden, is something you can cultivate carefully to bloom and grow when you possess both the necessary resources and the proper wisdom to guide your use of them.