What does your Druid Tree Sign say about you?
Do You Know Your Druid Tree Sign?
Celtic (or Druid) tree astrology was developed out of their connection with earth cycles and their strong connection with trees and the Celtics' belief that trees hold the infinite wisdom of the universe. Find your sign based on your birthdate and discover what the trees have to say about you and your compatibility with others. Enjoy!
The Birch - The Achiever
Birch signs, just like the tree, are tolerant, tough, and resilient. You are cool-headed and a natural-born leader, often taking command when a situation calls for leadership. When in touch with your softer side, you also bring beauty to life. You light up a room when you walk in and charm others with your quick wit.
Birch signs are compatible with: Vine and Willow signs.
The Rowan - The Thinker
This inner passion provides motivation for you as you make your way through life. You have a natural ability to transform situations and people around you just by your presence. You are highly influential in a quiet way and others look to you for your unique perspectives.
Rowan pairs well with Ivy and Hawthorn signs.
The Ash - The Enchanter
Others may think you are reclusive, but in all honesty, you are simply immersed in your own world of fantastic vision and design. You are in a constant state of self-renewal and you rarely place a value on what others think about you.
Ash signs partner well with Willow and Reed signs.
The Alder - The Trailblazer
The Alder signs are very focused and dislike waste. Consequently, they can see through superficialities and will not tolerate fluff. Alder people place high value on their time, and hate wasting time… yours or theirs. They are motivated by action and results.
Alders pair well with Hawthorns, Oaks or even Birch signs.
The Willow - The Observer
With your intelligence comes a natural ability to retain knowledge and you often impress people with your excellent memory. Willows are bursting with potential, but have a tendency to hold themselves back for fear of appearing flamboyant or overindulgent. It is your powers of perception that ultimately allow your true nature to shine, and what leads you to success in life.
Willow signs join well with the Birch and the Ivy.
The Hawthorn - The Illusionist
You are naturally curious, and have an interest in a broad range of topics. You are an excellent listener, and people seek you out as an outlet to release their burdens. You have a healthy sense of humor. You tend to see the big picture, and have amazing insight, although you typically won't give yourself any credit.
Hawthorn signs match up nicely with Ash and Rowans.
The Oak - The Stabilizer
The Oak sign has a deep respect for history and ancestry, and many people with this sign become teachers. You love to share your knowledge of the past to others. Oak signs have a need for structure, and will often go to great lengths to gain the feeling of control in their lives. Healthy Oak signs live long, full, happy lives and enjoy large family settings and are likely to be involved with large social or community networks.
Oak signs pair well with the Ash, Reed, and with Ivy signs.
The Holly - The Ruler
You are competitive and ambitious even in the most casual settings. You can appear to be arrogant but in actuality you're just very confident in your abilities. You are quite generous, kind and affectionate (once people get to know you). Highly intelligent, you skate through academics where others may struggle. Because many things come to you so easily, you may have a tendency to rest on your laurels. If not kept active, you may slip into an unhealthy and lazy lifestyle.
Holly signs may look to Ash and Elder signs for balance and partnership.
The Hazel - The Knower
You have an eye for detail, and like things to be “just so.” Sometimes this need for order and control can lead to compulsive behaviors. You have a knack for numbers, science and things that utilize your analytical skills. You like rules, although you are typically making them rather than playing by them.
The Celtic tree astrology sign of Hazel joins harmoniously with Hawthorn and Rowan.
The Vine - The Equalizer
You have very distinctive taste and are a connoisseur of refinement. Luxury agrees with you, and under good conditions you have a Midas touch for turning drab into dramatic beauty. You are charming, elegant, and maintain a level of class that makes you very popular. You are often admired by others for your classic style and poise.
Vine signs pair well with Willow and Hazel signs.
The Ivy - The Survivor
Indeed, Ivy signs have a tendency to be deeply spiritual and cling to a deep-rooted faith that typically sees them through adversity. You are soft spoken, but have a keen wit about you. You are charming, charismatic, and can effectively hold your own in most social settings.
Ivy signs are attracted to the Celtic tree astrology sign of Oak and Ash signs.
The Reed - The Inquisitor
You love people because they represent a diversity of meanings for you to interpret. You are adept at coaxing people to talking to you, and sometimes you can be a bit manipulative. However, you have a strong sense of truth and honor so most of your scheming is harmless.
Reed people join well with other Reeds, Ash or Oak signs.
The Elder - The Seeker
You are often misjudged as an outsider as you have a tendency to be withdrawn in spite of your extroverted nature. In actuality, you are deeply thoughtful with a philosophical bent. You also tend to be very considerate of others and genuinely strive to be helpful. These acts of assistance are sometimes thwarted by your brutal honestly, which you openly share solicited or otherwise.
Elder Celtic tree astrology signs fit well with Alder and Holly signs.