Clairvoyance Meaning and How the Gift Works
The word clairvoyance means “to see clearly.” This does not refer to the sense of sight, but rather to seeing with what some call the “inner eye” or “third eye.” Others may refer to this ability as a “sixth sense.” What’s common to all of these terms and definitions is that they refer to an ability to perceive hidden truths. Clairvoyant psychic readers have the ability to tap into energies that the average person is not able to perceive. For this reason, many people turn to online psychic clairvoyant readers for guidance in various areas of their lives.
Learn more about types of Clairvoyant Readings below.

Learn how clairvoyant insight gained through images that appear as you are talking or chatting can paint a picture of your past, present and future.
What Happens in a Clairvoyant Psychic Reading?
Many things can happen in a Clairvoyant Psychic reading. Show up wherever you are emotionally and just be real. You may want to begin with open ended questions, seeking guidance and new perspectives. Or, you may want to simply speak what is on your mind and in your heart and check in with your psychic to see what they are tuning into. You can also simply ask for a general reading or a reading focused on certain topics. Trust where you are led by the online clairvoyant reader you are working with. Allow the heightened awareness of your reader to shine a light on what you need to know at this time.
Types of Clairvoyant Readings
Many people have questions about where their lives are headed and if they are on the path to their destiny. Whatever your questions are, you may find peace of mind through speaking to a clairvoyant.
Reiki and Chakra Energy Readings focus on your unique energy body. Once we connect, we sense any blockages or disruptions in your energy field and get the energy moving in a positive direction for a better life. This can positively impact you on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level and beyond.
Past Life Readings have a lot to reveal. Experts in the field can decipher and uncover details about certain callings or passions you feel or evidence that help to explain situations that you avoid or fear. Opening up to and allowing your rich un-tapped history to reveal itself, will help you move forward with more confidence, grace and ease.
Rose Readings allow us to dive into the energy of the situation from a Spiritual perspective. We connect with you and then sense the distinct areas of your life through seeing and deciphering parts of the ‘metaphorical’ rose to reveal stumbling blocks and hidden opportunities. Thru this tool, we get clear guidance and do not get caught up in the drama of the story.
Clairvoyant Readings for Career Advice
People who are seeking advice when it comes to their careers often find it helpful to speak to clairvoyant psychics. A clairvoyant reader can use his or her gifts to tap into an informative vision of a person, place or object that can help you advance in your career, obtain a new position or even change career direction. This is most beneficial because the Psychic has a unique birds eye view of your situation and can speak with clarity through interpreting the energy. You can use this vision to prepare yourself or focus your energies on the best possible outcome.
Clairvoyant Readings for Friendships, Relationships and Love
Clairvoyant psychics use their gifts to provide guidance on friendships and relationships. Because they receive unique visions of events, images and places, clairvoyant psychics are uniquely qualified to advise you if someone special is “The One” or if a relationship is destined to last. With guidance from a clairvoyant reader providing a love tarot reading, you may be better able to nurture positive connections and move on from relationships that are having a negative influence on your life. The difference between communicating with a quality psychic reader for perspective compared to relying on your own feelings and checking in with those close to you — can make significant improvements in your life.
Clairvoyant Readings for Self-Discovery
By being able to see things from different angles, and indeed, realms, clairvoyant mediums can provide insight that you might not be able to perceive yourself. What makes clairvoyant readings extraordinary is that the advisor is able to connect you to memories, events, emotions, and predictions that would remain inaccessible to you otherwise. In other words, clairvoyant mediums provide a bridge between you and the spiritual realm – whether it’s your own subconscious knowledge, the greater collective unconscious, angels, spirit guides, or the powerful energies all around you.
Tapping into these mysterious sources of knowledge through clairvoyant mediums can be extremely revealing and empowering. So, whenever you have a question about where you’ve come from or where you might be headed, a clairvoyant psychic reading may be the starting point for a journey of self-discovery.
Clairvoyant Readings for Life Path and Destiny
Life Path and Destiny readings are beneficial when you find yourself stuck in a rut, unable to move forward. A Clairvoyant will help you understand why you may be facing the same issue repeatedly, regardless of your efforts. A reading can help you see your life path clearly and open your eyes to the possibilities specific to you. While your destiny may seem to be written in the stars, we all have free will. A reading can help to reveal which events are avoidable and will help to prepare you to approach life with confidence.
Make the Most of Your Clairvoyant Reading Experience
We offer free minutes to new callers to help them familiarize themselves with our service. Start with your most important talking points for the call. Choose the format that fits you best: phone, chat or video. We also have appointments that you can schedule in advance. Consider reading the bios and additional info provided for the Clairvoyant readers that call to you. Our service is unique in that we provide 24/7 365 live customer care if you have any questions or need additional support.
Self-discovery is a very personal journey. Choose to connect with our clairvoyant readers and see where you feel the most comfortable. We will guide you wherever the path leads, answering your questions and also providing information that is unexpected, but useful. Always ask questions and inquire for more information during the call. And you can also ask open-ended questions like “what else do I need to know moving forward?”
Ways to Consult a Clairvoyant at Psychic Source
Phone, chat, video, we've got multiple options to best suit your needs for your next clairvoyant psychic reading. A psychic phone reading is quick and convenient, a psychic chat reading offers a bit more privacy, while a video psychic reading reading provides the ultimate connection between you and your clairvoyant psychic advisor. Choose the reading method that works best for you!
Clairvoyant Online Chat Readings
Our live chat clairvoyant psychic readings are powerful because you can connect from anywhere and still keep your communication secluded at a time that is convenient to you. If you are being interrupted by noisy life, kids, or you are at work, you can still have a successful private conversation touching on your most important topics. In addition, all chat readings are recorded, and sent to you so that you have written records of the conversation.
Clairvoyant Phone Readings
Our live phone psychic readings are very effective when you hear the other person’s voice as you get to know one another and develop trust. Relax and feel free to ask for insight or share your questions. This reading may address your concerns and take you in unexpected directions. Clairvoyant readings will broaden your perspective and lighten your load by giving you more clear direction moving forward.
Clairvoyant Video Readings
Our online clairvoyant video readings are unique because you have visual and audible connections to your live psychic reader in action. Learn about our video readers and tune into a reader that speaks to you. Choose a reader that feels good to you in areas where you need the most support, whether this is a logical choice or you are trusting your intuition and someone is calling to you. Either way, trust your choices and YOU will not be disappointed.