March 07
If something's bugging you, speak up. Sure, you could throw a fit and make a scene, but nine times out of ten, a direct, no-BS approach works better. People aren't mind readers, so tell them what's on your mind. Just don't overdo it, or you'll end up looking like one big drama queen. Keep it real, and you'll get what you need without any theatrics.
March 07
If something's bugging you, speak up. Sure, you could throw a fit and make a scene, but nine times out of ten, a direct, no-BS approach works better. People aren't mind readers, so tell them what's on your mind. Just don't overdo it, or you'll end up looking like one big drama queen. Keep it real, and you'll get what you need without any theatrics.
March 08
It might feel like your brain plays ping-pong with itself, and you need to get out before it drives you nuts. The solution? Sweat, like “drip onto the floor” sweat. Run, dance, lift or whatever makes your body scream louder than your thoughts. If all else fails, take that energy to the bedroom. Make moving your mission now. You'll thank me later.
2025 Yearly Horoscope
While 2025 is a year of major change for everyone, for you, this is also the beginning of the end of an era. This began back in 2012 when Neptune—the planet of hopes and dreams—returned to Pisces for the first time in our lifetime. This is your ruling planet and the one planet in the solar spotlight that speaks most directly to you, especially to your hopes and dreams. What really drove this and helped you get serious about making this count was Saturn, returning to Pisces in March 2023 to begin a new three-decade-long Saturn cycle of learning and personal growth. Saturn and Neptune couldn’t be more opposite, with Neptune shying away from reality and Saturn purposely walking towards it.
Yet Saturn—the planet of personal responsibility—is giving you the resolve and discipline to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to turn dreams into reality—especially as both get ready to leave. Neptune leaves on 31st March and Saturn on 25th May, but while they will return to Pisces later in the year—Saturn on 1st September and Neptune on 22nd October—it will be to spend a few months tying up loose ends before leaving again in early 2026. After that, Neptune won’t return again in our lifetime, and Saturn won’t return until this three-decade-long Saturn cycle ends. The year starts with Saturn and Neptune still here—but with a wave of planets all moving through Pisces in the first four months of the year that will support new beginnings.
This means that Saturn and Neptune are off on a new adventure, one that sees them continue to work as a team as first Neptune returns to your income sector on 31st March and then Saturn on 25th May. While they will retrograde out and return to Pisces later in the year, when Neptune returns in January 2026, he will be here until 2039, while Saturn—who will return in February 2026—will be here until 2028. What makes the timing of this powerful new chapter on the income front significant is that while Mars will retrograde back out of your work sector on 6th January, he will return for a fresh start from 18th April to 17th June. Mars will be here when Neptune and Saturn return to your work sector and as a parade of other planets moves through, with an explosion of potential opening up on the job and career fronts at that time. This is also a taste of things to come, for when Jupiter returns to your work sector from June 2026 to July 2027 to begin your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade, Neptune and Saturn will be in your income sector throughout that time.