Are You an Earth Angel, Light Worker, Starseed, or Old Soul?
Date 10/18/2024
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Lightworker Starseed Angels
Are You an Earth Angel, Light Worker, Starseed, or Old Soul?
Do you tend to go through life feeling different from those around you? Whether it's your boundless optimism or uncanny insights, there are certain characteristics that set you apart from others. You feel intuitively that you have a deeper calling, but you may not have fully realized what that is yet. We all have the ability to embody divine light, but some of us are uniquely situated to do so in a very particular manner.
The characteristic shared by most of these archetypes is a deep knowing that you’re meant to help people in some way. These are society’s caregivers, healers, people rooting for the underdog. They may work as psychics, nurses, life coaches, or energy healers.
These individuals can come in the form of earth angels, light workers, starseeds, and old souls. Many are empaths. You could embody one or more of these unique distinctions. These beautiful beings work their light in different ways, always with the best intentions.
Are you a lightworker? Or an incarnated angel? A starseed type? A reincarnated soul? Read on and see which description suits you best.
Earth Angel
Earth angels are highly empathic individuals who are deeply connected to their higher selves. Unlike celestial angels, earth angels live in this plane of existence.

Optimistic, inspiring, joyful, helpful, caring, sensitive, passionate about helping others
Helping earth-bound souls achieve their higher calling

Easily absorbing the emotions of others, struggling to say no, giving of themselves to the detriment of their own wellbeing
Light Worker
Light workers feel a strong calling to pursue personal enlightenment and achieve a spiritual awakening. Once they've achieved this calling, they're compelled to shine their light into all the dark places around them.

Creative, intuitive, hopeful, compassionate, helpful
Ushering forward a period of transformation on Earth

Venturing safely into the darkness without being consumed, leaning into the guidance of the divine to know when to help or step back
Starseeds are souls that originated elsewhere in the universe. They've come from other galaxies or dimensions to take on a human form in this realm. Starseeds are deeply connected to the stars and other celestial bodies, as this is where their higher selves are truly from.

Sensitive, solitary, spiritual, connected to nature, preoccupied with unearthly things
Helping to raise the vibration of Earth and assist in the planet's ascension to a higher dimension

Connecting to earthly beings, forming deep relationships
Old Soul
Old souls are reincarnated individuals who have lived many lifetimes before. Old souls are uniquely connected to their previous lives and can draw on deep inner wisdom that comes from a multitude of past experiences.

Wise, philosophical, introspective, calm, mature, grounded
To settle karmic debts and attain enlightenment

Connecting with others, living in the moment, balancing the inner and outer worlds
