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Supporting Others Through the Grieving Process Podcast by Psychic Hope

Date 7/29/2024
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Guided Meditation PodcastsPsychic Hope offers practical and spiritual tips on how to help others going through the grieving process.


Ever wonder how to help a grieving person during a time of need? COMPASSION is the key in giving support and unconditional love that can help anyone who lost a loved one or pet. Also, showing compassion can apply in other circumstances with people that are dealing with major health conditions, financial constraints, career changes, divorces/break-ups, and much more.

As a psychic medium, I help many people around the world with their healing in the grieving process, especially when they need to connect with their deceased loved ones and pets. Usually, people want to know if their loved ones and pets are at peace and made it to the other side. Also, through my sessions, I spin in some life coaching to provide extra guidance to give people an outlet to process their emotions as they try to find answers for better clarity, healing, forgiveness, and peaceful closure. 

Another wonderful way that I help people with the grieving process is to connect with their angels. Angels are the super helpers that guide us during our times of need. They are around us 24/7, if we pay attention or not. Angels are already with us from pre-birth, birth, death, and crossing over the veil back to God. Their special mission is to be excellent messengers of hope and peace and be our divine protectors. So, never hesitate to ask the angels for unique signs and answers when needed. 
Through mediumship, I connect very well with people’s angels. The angels have always been very instrumental to assist me with giving the spiritual guidance for people. So, check out “Calling Your Angels,” it will give you some insights on how angels operate within their roles with humanity. 

When working with people, I always observe and pay close attention to what support they need during the grieving process. When people bare their souls, there is this great emotional and spiritual release that feels liberating. With that being said, I would like to share my other insightful tips on giving support.


Checking in and understanding the grieving process. No matter what, it means a lot when someone puts in an effort to check on a friend. It can be by placing a quick phone call, a card in the mail, or an invite to grab coffee or lunch together. Doing check-ins is an easy way to show support for people. Plus, little surprises make huge impacts in people’s lives. 

People grieve differently. When people go through grief, their experiences range from sadness, anger, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, fatigue, and much more. It always good to learn how someone is dealing with grief, so you know how to respond to the person that comes to you for meaningful support.  

Talk less, listen more, and be silent when need to be. When people go through grief, there are times of wanting to say the right thing, but that can be difficult. Sometimes, saying the wrong thing can make matters worse. There is more benefit to talk less and let the person who is grieving talk more. People just need a soundboard to express their feelings. Better to listen more and practice the expression of “Silence is golden.” If you need to ask questions with understanding a person’s grief, just be respectful and ask simply of how they are feeling to show that you are listening with care and compassion.

Overall, know that your presence is enough when you show up for people that need your support. Let people feel safe and vulnerable in your presence, so they can express themselves freely, and allow themselves to cry without feeling any judgment. A good cry goes a long way!
Practical help. There are other ways to show your support in a more practical matter. Doing kind deeds shows great support and people will remember how you treated them when they were going through hard times.  Here are some beneficial tips: 
  • Running errands, sending flowers, or giving gift cards. 
  • Cleaning house, doing laundry, or cooking for them. 
  • Offering to manage bills or help with childcare. 
  • Remembering important dates, such as birthdays and anniversaries. 


Don’t try to fix people nor be afraid to talk about lost loved ones. GRIEF of any form is NOT a problem to be FIXED. When people go through the grieving process, the only thing they need is loving support and presence. Grief cannot be remedied, but only with time, support, and compassion will healing take place. Attempting to fix someone’s grief will only leave you and the grieving person feeling powerless. A person will start to think he/she is the problem and reduces the comfort in confiding within you. 

When it comes to lost loved ones, don’t be afraid to talk to people about them. Most people do want to talk and may not know how to start the conversation to discuss how they truly feel. See, it is healthy to facilitate the emotional healing process with conversation, and it can start by asking questions about a person’s lost loved one. Try to encourage the conversation with memories about the deceased and just listen.

Don’t diminish grief and never draw comparisons to your experience unless appropriate. Never say, “You’ll get over it soon”, “You’ll be fine,” or “Let it go.” Those are poor choices of words! Most importantly, acknowledging grief is a powerful way to show respect. Honor someone’s true feelings when you ask how he/she is feeling and again, simply listen.

Never compare yourself to anyone’s grief unless there is a lot in common with the same experience. Keep in mind, people heal differently than others. Some people can move on with life quicker and others take years in healing. Grief is very painful and not one size fits all. Drawing inappropriate comparisons about someone’s grief to your own experiences can minimize a person, even if it’s unintentional. Just weigh your words!

Preparation is the key. At the end, COMPASSION is the key to unlock healing. There are so many ways to offer support. But just know that a hug, a listening ear, and a compassionate presence goes a long way.  

Blessings with peace and light.


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Hope has been guiding people with her healing modalities as an intuitive empath, psychic medium, reiki practitioner, empowerment life coach and much more. She inspires people in areas of improving love, career, business, spirituality, self-confidence, and over-coming fears. Hope is your compassionate listener and cheerleader. She has 25 years of legal and government experience. She has a diverse background working as a paralegal in different areas of law and earned a degree in Government and Public Policy. She has worked for law firms and state and federal governments. She also once enjoyed working as an event coordinator.


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