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Develop Your Psychic Abilities Podcast Series: Being Spiritual by Psychic Betty

Date 8/7/2024
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Guided Meditation Podcasts
We all have spiritual abilities lying within us. Wake yours with Betty's help! Betty's guided meditation contains three visual exercises and a specific mantra to help you get in touch with your higher, spiritual self. She teaches you to train your brain so that connecting with spirit becomes easier and easier.

Betty x7514 Photo

By Psychic Betty x7514

Many of us are born with psychic gifts of some degree and we can use them to enhance our own lives. We can also guide others to make better, wiser choices.

What’s It’s Like for Me as a Spiritual Advisor

Being a spiritual advisor is very rewarding. I never judge anyone or try to tell you what to do. I enjoy helping you choose the correct path for you as an individual. I love guiding others, whenever I can, on their own spiritual path. Spirituality is part of my own growth, both personally and professionally. 

There are several ways I get the messages I need to deliver. Sometimes it’s through vocal messages from my spirit guides, or through visions, like flashes on a screen or postcard. There are times when answers come as simply as “a feeling in my bones.” Both my solar plexus and my hands seem to be especially sensitive.

How to Use Meditation to Enhance Spiritual Gifts

Meditation is vital in our daily lives. Just a few minutes twice a day can make a great improvement in your spiritual, emotional, and physical life. Meditation can be performed in silence or out loud via mantras. A widely used mantra is “Om.” Mantras can be as simple as the single “Om” or they can be several syllables long and are used to put us in rhythm with the Universe. Meditation with or without a mantra is a matter of individual choice. Our individual psychic gifts can be improved by meditation and by visual exercises that put us in touch with our own psychic or intuitive gifts.

I will guide you through three visual exercises that I use regularly and you can use them as frequently as you like. These exercises are from “Psychic Development for Beginners” by William Hewitt. They’re simple to do and effective in helping you reach your deepest intuition and your best psychic potential. The basic colors you will visualize are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each color relates to one of your body’s chakra centers. You will program your mind to quickly reach a satisfactory psychic level by counting down from three to one, whether your eyes open or closed, quickly and easily. 

The exercises are designed to bring out your innate psychic abilities and sharpen them so that you can function easily in the psychic realm of your reality. Let’s get started!

Please click the links below to explore the other steps in our Develop Your Psychic Abilities Podcast Series:

Being an Empath by Psychic Sadia

Being an Intuitive by Psychic Leena

Being a Medium by Psychic Ricky


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