New Year Tarot Spread: Take Your First Peek Into The New Year by Psychic Shannon
Date 11/5/2024
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Tarot Spreads Tarot
January 1st is approaching so this seems like the perfect time to share an illustrated Tarot reading for the New Year. This will be a simple New Year tarot spread that anyone can do. There are card photo layouts, with easy-to-follow instructions and examples. So, get your tarot cards out, and let's have some fun!
I will explore two Tarot Spreads below. The first will consist of seven cards. This Tarot layout is called “A Peek into the New Year.” Each card position will have its own special meaning for the coming New Year. This New Year Tarot Spread can be done anytime, before the end of the old year or after the beginning of the New Year. An exciting New Year's Eve celebration could include your first overall look at the New Year for yourself. Because this Tarot card layout can be done quickly, it will leave you with plenty of time to ring in the New Year!
Then the second part of this article includes an extended view of our original tarot reading for the New Year. It is called “An Extra Peek for The New Year.” This is a full 12-month Tarot card layout and will take just a bit more time. An auspicious time to do this layout would be on New Year's Day. It can be done anytime you wish but early in the New Year would be best. Do you want to explore not only the coming year in your life but also each month individually? Then the Extra Peek for The New Year will be an exciting continuation of our Tarot layout for you to explore!
Any tarot deck you may have is fine for these New Year Tarot readings. Hold the deck in your hands for a few moments before you begin laying out the cards. Say an affirmation or prayer for your New Year if you feel inspired. Put your focus on your wishes and desires for the New Year, shuffle your deck, then begin your New Year Tarot card layout. Let’s get started!
A Peek into The New Year 7-Card Tarot Spread
For this 7-Card spread, we are laying out the tarot cards face down to begin. Traditionally, this represents the unseen mysteries of the New Year we have yet to explore. Select your first card and lay it face down to the far left as shown in the photo. Place card two on the right of card one, and card three goes to the right of card two, followed by card four. As you can see in the photo, these cards are always in a straight row.
Now we are literally going in a new direction with cards five and six. Place card five, a little above and to the left of card one, as shown above. Card six is placed slightly above card four and to the right of it. Our seventh and final card is placed in the middle of the layout, above all the other cards. Remember, all cards should still be face-down at this point.
Now it is time for the reveal of our New Year Tarot Spread! It's time to see what this New Year will mean to you. To begin, turn over cards one and two. These cards represent what you have experienced in the past year. These energies and experiences are ending as the New Year begins. You may still be feeling these energies into the New Year. Cards one and two represent the first six months of the past year in your life.
Now turn over cards three and four. These two cards represent the last six months of the past year and in your life. Cards one through four together represent your past year and are the base for your New Year. Turn over card five next, then card six. Card five represents the next six months in your life while card six shows the second six-month period of the New Year. Together, they reveal a major influence on the coming year
Our last card, number seven, can often be the most revealing and important in our New Year Tarot reading. It is the final card, showing an overview of the entire New Year. All the cards work together in the reading, but the seventh card is always exciting to see!
I am going to do a sample reading of this layout, A Peek Into The New Year, now. You will see how fast but informative this reading can be.
Sample Peek into the New Year Tarot Reading
Here is our sample layout, remember you start with all cards face down first as shown further above.
The first card turned up is the Four of Swords. This card, along with card Two, shows the first six months of your past year. The Four of Swords shows a timeout, a possible rest period when you are taking it easy. Our second card, the Six of Cups, shows old memories and thoughts of the past. There may have been a slow start to the past year for you. The two cards together can mean taking some time off from your normal pursuits to evaluate the past. It seems to have been a slow time in your life. Let's look at our next two cards, three and four, to see what happened the rest of the year.
We turn up card three, which is the Ace of Swords. It looks like you made a fresh start in the second part of the past year! Card four confirms this as we turn up the Star. The second part of your past year was more productive and hopeful. After a slow beginning to the year, you made a big clean start and a positive one at that. Now you have so much to build on as you go forward into the New Year!
We are moving forward with our Tarot spread for the New Year as we reveal cards five and six. Card five is the Three of Pentacles, showing what will occur overall in the first half of your New Year. It looks like you are expanding your career during the next six months! You are excelling in your work and becoming an expert in your craft. Card six takes you in a new direction as we reveal the Two of Cups. The second half of your New Year, shown by card six, shows a new romance or a budding attraction. After acing your career in the first half of the year, it was time for love! It is going to be an incredibly positive year for you.
The final card, number seven, is always exciting to reveal. It shows an overall view of the New Year. As we turn it over, we see Temperance, one of the Major Arcana. Temperance can mean bringing things together and doing it in an easier way than ever. Your New Year will be successful, and you may find things falling into place smoothly. Progress in your career and a new beginning in romance. Who could ask for more?
At this point, you can end your reading or decide to continue for more information about your New Year. You can easily turn this tarot layout into a full 12-month tarot spread! Would you like more specific information about each month of the year? If so, please leave your Tarot card layout on the table. You can add more cards to your layout to personalize and develop it even more. This will give you the opportunity to explore each of the twelve months of the coming New Year. Timing can be everything and with the additional cards for a 12-month Tarot layout, you can be ready to move ahead when an opportunity arises. Knowledge is power so give yourself a chance to learn more about your New Year!
An Extra Peek into The New Year Tarot Spread
In this continuation of our original layout, leave Cards 5 and 6, the cards that predict the first and second half of your New Year where they are (in the example above it was The Three of Pentacles and Two of Cups). You can remove the other five cards and set them aside. We will now add 12 additional cards surrounding cards five and six. These additional cards will show events ahead for each month in the New Year. Shuffle the deck again and focus on each month, January through December of the New Year. Now draw six cards to represent January through June of the coming year. Place these cards face down to the left and slanted above card five in your original layout as shown above.
Your first card shows events in January of the New Year. Card two represents February, card three is for March, card four shows April, card five represents May, and card six shows events in June. Now we are ready to look at the last six months of the year. Place six cards to the right of our original card six and slant to the right. The cards will be in a pyramid shape surrounding our original cards five and six. Please see the photo above for specific placement.
Card seven, showing activity in July of the New Year, is placed at the top of the pyramid. This is followed by card eight representing August, card nine showing events in September, card ten is for October, card eleven for November, and finally card twelve for the last month of the New Year, December.
Now turn over each card, one at a time, starting with January, card one. We will read each one separately as they show a different month of the New Year. I will do a sample reading as an example of the extra information you can obtain with a 12-month tarot card spread.
Sample Extra Peek into the New Year Tarot Reading
Our first card, January, is the Ace of Pentacles. This shows that early in the New Year you will make a new start on your career. It could represent a new job, a new work project, or even an entirely new career. Card two for February is the Five of Wands, showing you may have a bit of a struggle after making your new job beginning. Don't worry, at least February is a short month, and we can move on to March!
Card three is the Two of Pentacles, showing you getting into balance with your career. Card four represents April in your New Year. This card is The Magician, a powerful card from the Major Arcana. You are in control of your job or career! You have learned how to handle your job and control things at work. Your fifth card, showing May, is the Eight of Wands, showing travel and movement. Sounds like a spring vacation, or even a business trip if that applies to your type of career. The sixth card is the World card, showing your achievement of goals in June. It will be a powerful month for you. Aim for your highest goals during June.
Now we go to the second part of the year with the cards on the right of our pyramid. Turn over card seven, representing July in the New Year. The card is the Two of Wands. You may find yourself meeting an important new friend this month. There are two people together. Card eight is the King of Cups showing events in August. This could represent your new friend, or at least someone calm and cool who will influence your life in August. Card nine is The Fool, representing September in the New Year. The Fool shows new adventures and a possible big decision in September. Maybe you are deciding if the King is Cups could be more than a friend! Card ten, representing October, is The Lovers card. October is sure to be an exciting month for you! A romantic attraction could turn to love. Card eleven is the Three of Cups, showing that November will be a fun and joyous month for you in the New Year. We end the twelve months Tarot layout with card twelve, for December. The card is the Four of Wands. Your New Year will end on a peaceful note, happy and serene.
As we end our Tarot spread for the New year, please notice how the cards you added to the original layout all worked well together. The first half of your New Year will be devoted to career improvement while romance enters your life from July through December.
I wish you all well in the New Year!
Shannon x9081

Shannon is a psychic advisor with over 50 years of experience reading tarot and playing cards. She holds a degree in Literature, with a speciality in Women's Studies. Shannon has a Master Teachers certificate in Reiki and has trained over 150 students in Reiki healing. She is currently teaching Psychic Development Classes in her area and has continued this work for over 25 years. In her spare time Shannon is writing her first book, "How To Find Love At Any Age".