A born intuitive and claircognitive empath, Ali Christina is also a Lightworker who also uses the Spirit Guided Tarot when helping you find ways to successfully meet challenges in relationships and business as well as any other activity of daily life.
Although she has shared her gifts with many members of the film industry, educational, medical and political communities, she feels that her most humbling, rewarding, important and joyful times are when she is sharing with you. Although snuggling up with her three little Yorkies, her tiny German Biewer and her Ragdoll Kitty is a real close second.
Working in the medical field has brought Ali Christina close to death and dying and being a three time cancer survivor has proven to her the importance of living life to its fullest. And, that helping others to do so is the goal of her being alive.
Ali Christina looks forward to speaking with you at extension 8278. If you cannot reach her at her posted schedule she would be happy to arrange for an appointment at a time that is more convenient for you. Ali Christina continues to send you love, Light and happiness and she challenges you to accept it.
"Some people change their ways when they see the light, others when they feel the heat." -Caroline Schoeder
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0 reviews since Mar 2011