Dyna was born to a clairsentient mother and a Native American clairvoyant father. At the age of two and a half, Dyna presented her gifts by telling her folks exactly who was calling on the phone and that they were calling to tell them of an accident in which her uncle was seriously injured. Her parents were startled to discover her gifts, and grew to be very proud of her. Dyna spent her childhood in a quite normal, tomboyish way with her imaginary friends. She was able to see ghosts in very old homes she would visit, adding to her gifts.
Dyna’s father laid the groundwork for her life, giving her values that reflected a profound respect of all life, all souls, religions and Earth itself. By studying human behavior, psychic phenomena, hypnotherapy, tarot, pendulum, crystals and Asian healing, Dyna developed her gifts and learned to use them to help others for over 20 years.
Dyna continues to serve others and studies wisdom, philosophy, martial arts, meditation and practices the art of joy while walking the road of life on Earth.
"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." -Buddha
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