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Psychic Jude x8429

Psychic Jude x8429


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  • Total Readings
  • 0 since September 2011
  • Specialties: Career Psychic, Love Psychic, Intuitive/Empath
  • Tools: Numerology, Astrology, Tarot
  • Reading Style: Expressive

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More About Jude

Years of Experience: 1

Jude is a certified professional Astrologer who also combines tarot, runes, dreams and intuition to review and provide psychic advice. Using her many gifts, Jude guides you and gives advice for your concerns about love, relationships, family, friends, career and finance. She also helps you recognize future trends that are coming up in your life!

Call Jude today for honest answers to life’s tough questions!

Words of Wisdom

“Whatever is born or done in this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” -C. G. Jung

4½ stars

0 reviews since Aug 2011

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