Along with being clairaudient, Karenna uses the Tarot to open her channel. She hears guidance from her power animals and spirit guides. Her interest in Tarot developed as a teenager when she “knew” things before they happened. Karenna went on to study metaphysics which further opened her mind and gave her more control via deeper understanding.
Karenna is dedicated to healing. A reading with her is uplifting and inspiring as she presents a variety of ways to approach a decision while avoiding blame and punishment. She looks for the deeper cause and what can be done to help heal or turn a situation around.
Talking to Karenna is like speaking with a lifelong friend. Someone you can say anything to and go to with a problem. She is confident, pleasant, kind, funny, and non-judgmental. Karenna specializes in helping with relationships and career matters.
"Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so." -David Grayson
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