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Psychic Mazie x7124

Psychic Mazie x7124


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Mini Reading

  • Total Readings
  • 40 since December 2000
  • Specialties: Clairvoyant, Intuitive/Empath, Psychic Medium
  • Tools: Angel Cards, Tarot, Astrology
  • Reading Style: Compassionate

Customer Endorsements Beta

  • Life, Destiny & Meaning - 1
  • Love, Relationships & Family - 1

More About Mazie

Years of Experience: 34

Let Mazier guide you towards help with relationships, stress management, interpreting dreams, voices from beyond, career counseling, financial insights, and spiritualty. Feeling lost? Mazie exceeds in helping locate lost objects or connecting with lost people.

Mazie's Philosophy on Life is: "Be true to thyself, love is always first. Celebrate your life. Love fun. God didn't make us perfect because we’re just learning free will. Have no regrets." See why Mazie is always a favorite reader among our customer’s by dialing extension 7124!

Words of Wisdom

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life"- Abbie Hoffman


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