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Psychic Peg x7696

Psychic Peg x7696

Guidance Along Life's Path

I'm away

  • Total Readings
  • 0 since November 2004
  • Specialties: Love Psychic, Intuitive/Empath, Pet Psychic
  • Tools: Astrology
  • Reading Style: Direct

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More About Peg

Years of Experience: 8

Peg's philosophy on life is: "Astrology is a road map some roads are chosen, but you have the power to choose others."

One of our favorite experts for locating lost objects, Peg has been helping Psychic Source clients for a long time successfully locate everything from missing birth certificates to weddings bands and more. So, take a deep breath, concentrate on your lost item, and give Peg a call. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

Peg also offers insight and guidance in all areas of your life. She is a clairvoyant who uses spirit guides and the tarot to guide her readings.

Words of Wisdom

"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." -Joseph Addison


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