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Psychic Sue x7254

Psychic Sue x7254

Offers Deep Wisdom

I'm away

Mini Reading

  • Total Readings
  • 0 since December 2000
  • Specialties: Clairsentient, Clairvoyant, Intuitive/Empath
  • Tools: Numerology
  • Reading Style: Compassionate

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More About Sue

Years of Experience: 5

Sue's philosophy on life is: “We choose our lessons in life. We only learn by hard times, we never learn by the easy times. See the hard times as opportunities to our stepping stones to perfection. God truly loves us unconditionally.” A professional numerologist, she can help you understand where your life is going by analyzing your birth name. Sue shines light on your path to finding happiness and love.

Words of Wisdom

"A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed." -Henrik Ibsen

4½ stars

0 reviews since Feb 2006

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