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Psychic Caitlin x7741

Psychic Caitlin x7741

Sincere and Caring

I'm away

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Psychic Caitlin Ratings & Reviews

379 reviews since Mar 2006

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customer(s) found the following review helpful

Featured Review PearlClutcher 4/25/2012 stars Phone Reading

I asked Caitlin one question - how a friend feels about me. I totally love Caitlin’s style. Caitlin consulted with her guides and came back with totally accurate information. It all came spilling out of her without her asking any additional questions. I really needed advice because I love the friend dearly but I am tired of my friend being fickle. Caitlin picked up on the friend being warm and then cold. She also picked up on the friend not really showing her “true self”. I totally had the feeling that my friend was not showing her real self because sometimes I can see who she really is behind her fake wall. Well, I am considering dropping the friend but Caitlin believes that my friend wants to change and is going to change. I am going to hang in there a little while longer and will post her again to relay the outcome. Caitlin has a very sweet spirit and I am sooo glad that I consulted with her.

customer(s) found the following review helpful

victoria 8/30/2012 stars Phone Reading

her predictions did not come true ;(

Paulaj 9/11/2012 stars Phone Reading

My Dear Catlin thank you for your help I feel so good after talking to you what can I said about her, she just know great psychic great person also xoxo

customer(s) found the following review helpful

GoatGirl69 9/6/2012 stars Phone Reading

I really thought Caitlin was on to something initially - but now - I dont think so. The things she told me about my bf - sadly, didnt happen. I took copious notes and NOTHING she said came about. I had such a wonderful feeling after speaking with her but clearly that was no indication of her accuracy. She said my bf and I would be like one by now - and I havent even spoken to him in weeks?!?!? Incredibly saddened by the inaccuracy - I was very hopeful. I will not be calling her again.

bblicious 9/6/2012 stars Phone Reading

Sorry Caitlin, didnt say proper goodbye at the end but i will call back to let u how it go oki thankU for all the support i need, talking to u is the best part of my day you cant even imagine!!! Caitltin is THE BEST!!!! love you....