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Psychic Therese x7215

Psychic Therese x7215

Amazing Intuition

I'm away

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Psychic Therese Ratings & Reviews

926 reviews since Apr 1998

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customer(s) found the following review helpful

Featured Review doctormom 4/7/2012 stars Phone Reading

Offered two very clear and concise readings regarding important dates. The predicted events of the first date were realized nearly to the detail. Will need to wait up to two months for the second event. Her reading remained consistent regarding relationship issues.

moonstone12 9/15/2012 stars Phone Reading

Reading from 09/15. She was very nice and empathetic. I need reassurance about a question I asked to two other advisors. She said the same thing the other advisors told me. She seemed to really care about my concerns and wanted to answer my questions along with advise. Unfortunately, I ran out of funds so we were cut off. If what was predicted comes to pass, will write about it in a few weeks. now I must be patient for the time being.

gailkrav 9/12/2012 stars Phone Reading

She was amazing I waited to talk to her and she was worth the wait. I hope everything. She predicted comes true. I will call again

customer(s) found the following review helpful

frequentuser 9/4/2012 stars Phone Reading

Reading on 9/4...what Therese predicted would happen so far, has. She told me that my ex would contact me in 7-10 days. He texted me on the 7th day. She also knew things about him that she could never have known. I love my readings with Therese, she is great.

Summer72 9/15/2012 stars Phone Reading

Thanks Therese for being up so late. You put my mind at ease and even restored some faith in this relationship that I think I had lost. I hope your predictions for this month come true :)